Thursday, February 2, 2012


 Kom precis från ett maratonmöte med Somalias konstitutions minister. Inga små frågor Somalia ska hantera i sin konstitution: hur ska våran federala stat se ut? Hur mycket malt ska centralregeringen ha gentemot regionerna? Hur ska vi fördela våra resurser? Vilken sorts regeringsskick ska vi ha? President, premiärminister eller båda två? Överhus och underhus? Hur ska vi integrera vårt traditionella styre med klaner och äldremän? Hur ska vi få alla klaner att acceptera detta när de har krigat i 20 år? R ska vi förhålla oss till utbrytar regioner som vill bli självständiga? Alla dessa frågor är dessutom infekterade och regeringsrepresentanterna lever och arbetar under ständigt dödshot från terrorist- och extremiströrelser spär aktiva i landet...

Glad att jag inte är minister i Somalia.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another restart: KENYA

Well, hi.

Since last post a lot of things has happened. Our daughters have grown. Zoé is 9 (and having a party this saturday) and Isa has turned 3 years old. We also finished up our assignment in Ethiopia since the very intelligent decision was taken to close the only trustworthy healthcare clinic, the Swedish Clinic, in Addis Abeba. Hence we decided it was no longer a place for a family with two small (...) children. So

...we moved to Nairobi, Kenya in January 2011. The tranistion was very painful and it took us quite some time to settle, but time is a great helper. Now, a year down the line, we feel good here. School for the kids is great, and Nairobi is a good place to be with family. Much more things to do than in Addis, but also more insecure.

Somehow we also became a Zoo. We now have three dogs and just as many rabbits. Kids love animals. So do we. Although three big dogs is a bit much sometimes.

Another big change - I got an iPad, and installed a mobile blogger app, so I decided to pick up the thread again. Hope you enjoy and decide to follow us on our continous journey.
